Writing a CV

There is only one opportunity to make yourself stand out before landing that all important interview. Make sure you sell yourself from the word GO!

Get the basics right! 

Here’s our top tips before starting: 

  • One CV does not fit all roles, adapt your CV to fit with the job description and company! 
  • Don’t spend too much time on design. Focus on the content.
  • Research the role and company before starting a CV and keep all duties and company ethos in mind when completing.
  • Always get someone else to proof read your CV before submitting, a second critical  eye can provide a fresh approach.
  • Don’t rush, leave yourself plenty of time to compile your CV before the closing date. 
  • NEVER LIE ON A CV! You would be surprised at the amount of people who get caught out – don’t even consider it!  
  • Ignote the two page myth, I have witnessed many candidates not including vital information as they kept the CV to two pages. Try not to exceed three pages though. Don’t include irrelevant information, ensure all is relevant to the role you applying for! 


  • A CV is always about substance rather than style.
  • Keep it simple, do not use coloured block columns. 
  • Ensure it’s easy to read.
  • Pick a standard professional font, size no smaller than 11. 

Writing your CV:

  • Always include a short personal statement (2/3 lines) that summaries your key skills and experience to date. Keep it brief and precise with key words associated with position you are applying for.
  • Ensure your contact information is clearly visible so your potential employer can get in touch with you either via email or telephone. 
  • Refrain from including any personal information that may be deemed as discrimination. 
  • Begin with your current or most recent employment or alternatively list your recently completed education such as a recent degree (within the past two years) if you don’t have any significant work history. 
  • Include month and year of starting and ending jobs and ensure they are accurate. 
  • Explain any employment gaps, don’t leave it as unexplained as many employers will pick up on this and you may not get an opportunity to explain this.
  • Tailor your experience to points on the job description for the position you are applying.
  • Always be assertive and positive in work history.
  • Keep information and skills relevant at all times.
  • Skills and achievements – ensure they are relevant and kept to last five years. Don’t include any that have no relevance to the industry you are applying within. 
  • Qualifications – always start with latest and work backwards. 
  • Don’t list personal details of references. State they are available upon request.  This avoids any scenarios of references being contacted without your consent.

Finally before submitting:

  • Always make sure your CV is up-to-date before submitting.
  • Have someone proof read it for you and listen to their input.
  • Imagine you are the recruiter, read over your CV and ask yourself if you were recruiting for the role would you invite you for interview. 
  • Once your CV is submitted you another opportunity sell yourself, unless you are invited for interview. This is your first chance at making a lasting impression. Make it count. 
  • Finally, ensure all social media platforms are turned to private (or deleted) before submitting a CV for consideration as 87% of employers check these upon application. Ensure profile pictures and posts don’t include anything that may impact your application……