Moving out of your comfort zone

Given how much time most of us devote to our work, we want it to have meaning. Instead of just plugging away at jobs day in and out, we want careers.
It’s almost impossible to develop a great career without changing jobs along the way. Without change, there’s little room for personal growth.  The best careers sometimes come from changing geography or changing job functions. Other times, they require switching companies – or even starting over.

When there’s no more room for advancement at your company, you may hit a massive road block. When that happens, it pays to look elsewhere rather than risk hurting your professional mindset.  It’s a well known statistic you learn the most in your first few years on a job, changing jobs can develop a broader knowledge base that makes your CV stand out.

–  Career development is an ongoing process that involves self-awareness and improvement.

–  Career growth is the process of climbing the career ladder. Most often achieved through promotion in the one company.

–  Growth is achieved in the long-term, development is ongoing. You may not succeed in your career growth plan for several years, but you’ll undergo development continually.

Changing jobs at least once every four years can help with both growth & development. It also makes your CV more attractive to employers for several reasons:
🔹 It says, ‘I’m willing to try new things and not get too comfortable’.
🔹 Staying at the same job for a while can also make your CV look stagnant and give employers the impression that you lack drive and don’t enjoy learning new things.
Changing jobs can reset your passion & make you feel more committed to your work & professional development.

Whatever your end goal, draw up a plan that shows where you want to be and how you intend to get there and you’ll find your career becomes a far more rewarding experience.

Daly Recruitment are dedicated to building and making an impact to hospitality professional careers and building on successful stories within our industry.