Dealing with being made redundant


Being made redundant (as I know from my own past experience) is a very emotional, difficult time. The not knowing what the future holds can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety. Redundancy is horrible; it is also a fact of life and it’s happening to more and more people due to the impact of COVID19 and the coming months will bring more, as furlough comes to an end and we get back to the new normal. Operating with less guests and diners due to social distancing.


No organisation wants to make redundancies, and this will be the very last thing to happen. This is equally as hard for your employer as it is for you. It is a scary time, I know – uncertainty and worry, fear and trepidation take hold.

But remember, if you are faced with redundancy, take the time to sit down and evaluate your place.

It’s important to note that if you have been made redundant throughout this time take the reassurance this is very much about the current economic climate and NOT about you as an individual. Your employer would like nothing more than the doors to be re-opening and for business to be resuming as normal. Regrettably, with social distancing in place this will have an major impact on the number of guests, diners etc resulting in a lower staffing requirements to deliver at this reduced level of business.

However, with the right support and planning, you can start making moves to go forward to the next stage in your career.

Whether you knew the redundancy was coming or the news was a complete shock, being made redundant can feel like your world is very much falling apart. You will probably (like me), go through a range of emotions: shock, denial, anger, worry, anxiety, uncertainty.

Losing your job can have a greater impact on your sense of well-being, it can affect your mental health, relationships and off course your confidence.

It’s important to remember you will get through this, I didn’t think I could have but I built a business from my experience.

Based on my experience here are some steps to help you, if you find yourself in this situation:

  1. Understand your rights

Understanding your rights and knowing where you stand can have a calming effect and help you feel in control of a horrible situation. It’s important to know how much redundancy pay you will get, how long your notice period is – this should be in your contract or ask your Human Resources Manager. Check if you’re able to leave sooner should you find a new position. Once you have the basic details, you can start thinking more clearly and start to plan the road ahead.

  1. Managing your Finances 

Managing your finances after redundancy can be very stressful but there are some steps you can take to make life easier. Sit and work out your budget, with any lump sum redundancy payment you may receive. It’s never something we like to think about, but there’s no guarantee as to how quickly you’ll be able to find a new position, especially in this current economic climate. Taking time to manage your finances can be key to reducing feelings of stress and worry. Check what help is out there to assist you or look at part time options to ensure you have some income coming in.

  1. Speak to family and friends 

Speaking with your loved ones is a crucial part of the redundancy process, you need to talk it out, don’t try and deal with the stress yourself. It’s important to be as open and honest with your partner / loved ones as early on as you can. It’s important to jointly work together to manage any financial or emotional worries; please DON’T face this alone – it can greatly impact your mental health.

Opening up to close friends and family can help. You have nothing to be ashamed of; redundancy can happen to anyone, at any time – it isn’t a reflection of your work ethic, the quality of your work, or you as a person. Remember external factors have resulted in the current climate.  By sitting down and chatting with a family or a close friend, they can provide you with support and guidance throughout this tough time. If you don’t feel ready or able to talk things through yet, that’s ok too; it’s more important to focus on what makes you feel comfortable and works best for you.

Sometimes, a close friend or family can provide make you see the skills set you have and can help you build your confidence for beginning the job search.

  1. Request Reference / recommendation before you leave

Whilst you are still at the company that’s making you redundant, ask for a written reference or LinkedIn recommendation from your manager to help you on your job search.

5.  Your story / journey

Most importantly you will need the right head space to move onto the next phase of our life. You will  know that there is an end coming with leaving your job and that you have a new beginning coming up soon.
In these times it’s important to know that you’re not to blame, don’t take it personally,  external factors have contributed to the situation., Try and have a positive view of what happened and what you learned from it – it’s throughout times like this you will develop and grow in areas new to you.

You will need to show you’re capable of moving on, so please try and not harbour any bitterness. Remember new employers will be looking for positive attitudes in potential employees, to drive their team forward. They don’t want to employ someone who will bringing a tense and attitude into their workforce – especially when they are reliant on good staff help them build their recovery. Hospitality is very small industry.

6. Review your career and goals

While we hesitate to say redundancy is a ‘good thing’, it can present the opportunity to help you take stock of your skills, talent, and experiences. Use this time to reflect if there is anything you want to change in your career?

Your goals may have changed, or have they remained the same, what is you want from your next new role? Shift work, work life balance use all this to benchmark against future employers. Use this time to reflect and set new goals this can be in both work and life in general.

7. Know what you are seeking:

This is about going through your options and considering about the realities of what work has to be for you geographically, economically and with balancing family life etc. Try and have a clear view of what you want and the more specific you can be, the more chance you’ll have of being successful. Set these parameters for what you would like, you will also know from this what you don’t want – be realistic!

  1. Actively start to look for a new job

Update your Linked in Profile and CV. See our blog tip for updating both.

Writing a CV: 

Updating your LinkedIn profile:

It’s important you have all your skills and achievements up to date. The market will be busy with competition for the foreseeable future so make sure you are standing out. Have someone read over your CV, giving you a second opinion. It’s good to get an industry manager or friend to look over as they can sometimes see your skills from a stronger point of view, especially at this time when your compiled when your confidence is low.

  1. Seek Assistance finding a new role

If in hospitality, register with us or any agency that specialises in your sector – a specialised recruiter will also have a greater insight into the market and sector. We cover all Ireland and can provide you with advice and guidance on your CV as a candidate of Daly Recruitment. We also offer a CV consultancy service if you are applying directly to a company. We will provide assistance with CV and interview preparation.

Ensure your LinkedIn page is up to date and change your status you are seeking new opportunities, its ok to state the current situation has lead to this. Don’t be afraid and don’t panic.

Although you may have concerns about money, a quick fix may not be the best way forward in the long term, so don’t jump at a role that’s not for you as that will impact your CV and your career journey. Take advice and do your research, you want your next role to lift your confidence and get you back on your track with your career goals.

  1. Above everything else, PLEASE take care of yourself.

Whilst tempting to spend hours searching for new jobs, putting that extra strain on yourself won’t help. By putting 110% into looking for a new role, you can very well neglect your well-being, become disheartened – I’m overqualified for that job why did I not get an interview etc…

It’s important to take time to look after yourself, selfcare is important and more so throughout this time. Take time to burn off some of the stress with physical exercise, make sure you eat and drink healthily, have fun with family and friends as well try and keep on top of moving forward.

This is your opportunity to revaluate and perhaps even reinvent your career.


Redundancy can be a very difficult time for the employee and employer. Even those who say they wanted it to happen (or disliked their role), many find themselves going through a whole range of emotions. It’s completely normal to feel anger, grief, sadness and a lack of confidence when it happens. Where possible, give yourself time to adjust before looking for other opportunities, don’t jump at the first opportunity and also seek advice from others on roles you are considering applying for to ensure you get back on track.

Try and understand external global factors have contributed towards to this and it’s not personal.


As I write this I speak from the heart, having been there very suddenly myself a number of years ago. Take the positive and move forward with it. That’s exactly how Daly Recruitment was formed and I’m proud of the comeback!

This is your opportunity to revaluate and perhaps even reinvent your career.